Time for an update, methinks

When I started this blog last year, after some time away from the blogging world, I fully expected to do more with my little back corner of the internet. A much heavier than expected work schedule and partial lack of interest in keeping this up contributed to that. I was going through my posts and noticed that there is a point where it almost seems as if I had given up. I assure that i not the case!

I was writing the review for Midway and felt the inspiration hit me again. Here we are a couple of months later and I still have that burning desire to write again…or maybe it was something I ate?

So, what does this mean? Well, I am going to set a goal for the next 3 months to get back into reviewing movies (I noticed that I really missed that), more actual posts, and once I go over the analytics, perhaps cut down on some daily content that doesn’t get much traffic.

2020 will hopefully be a good year for this little blog, but I need to get back to what made my last blog so successful and interact with readers and fellow bloggers the way i used to…even if I have far less time that I dad some 10+ years ago. It’ll happen, though.

I know that this isn’t the most interesting or well written blog on out there, but I want to thank those that follow, subscribe, link, or just bother to read (or look at pictures/videos). It means more than you can imagine, especially in this day and age where everyone is more interested in other forms of bloggage, such as vlogs. So, keep coming back and hopefully there will be more for you to see here.

Until next time,

Mystery Man