Tiger, Tiger

Here in Baton Rouge, everything is going crazy after LSU’s big win and spectacular season. I’m not going to post about that, though. Go to ESPN if you want to hear about that.

I want you to look at this, though…

Meet LSU’s mascot, Mike (they do have an actual tiger on campus, too). As far as mascot costumes go, this isn’t too shabby. You can tell some care went into putting it together and some $$$ is spent on upkeep.

On the opposite sideline last night, there was this…


This is The Tiger, Clemson’s mascot. Not only does this think look like someone bought it off etsy or recycled from old Chuck E. Cheese animatronics, but I can imagine some kid seeing this thing and being scarred for life. Also, could they not bother to name this thing?!?


I can’t be the only person that notices the startling disparity between two major college football programs. As everyone knows, college football is a cash cow, generating much of the revenue for a university’s athletic budget (pending they don’t have a more successful sport, i.e. Kentucky basketball).

With all that, one would think Clemson could afford a decent looking mascot befitting a major college football powerhouse, rather than that thing they currently have.

