Time (for a) change

This time last week, most of the US (I’m not sure if the rest of through the joy of gaining or losing an hour) was gearing up to spring forward. Isn’t losing an hour of sleep the greatest thing in the world? –note the sarcasm–

If I’m not mistaken, the whole reason for the time change in the first place was to help farmers and shift workers. The more daylight allowed them to get more work done. However, much like the reason men don’t wear suit, ties, and fedoras and women don’t wear dresses and fancy hats every day is the same reason the time change is just outdated notion.

Personally, I like it when it gets dark earlier, but I also love waking up to little to no daylight. A couple of years ago, I got up before 5 am and, no joke, it looked like it was about 10 am!

Before I end this random rant, I need to bring up how we have 4 seasons and each one gets a balanced 3 months. Well, at least on the calendar, they do. The actual weather pattern is a topic for another day. However, we spring forward for 8 months. That’s twice as much daylight savings time. WTF?!? how does this makes sense or balance out as being fair?

All this is to say that I just want my “extra hour” of sleep. Also, I lost an hour at the beach because of this stupid time change. GRRR!!!

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