If only…

Last week, I made a post urging everyone to “don’t panic“. I stand by most of what I said in that post, though I think there is more of a reason to be concerned about the spread of the virus. The virus itself isn’t so bad, in general, but there is still need to be cautious. 

Also last week, I reminded everyone about the 90s X-Men cartoon. I was reminded of a certain episode that could do us all some good right now. In an effort to wipe out the mutants, a plague is created that only effects them. Soon enough, though, it starts to affect normal humans. Panic ensues, as the antidote doesn’t work and there seems to be no way to stop it. Enter Wolverine!

Because of Wolverine’s mutation, an advanced healing factor, when he was infected, his body fought off the plague and a cure was able to be made. Obviously, this is just a fantasy cartoon, but wouldn’t it be great if this could actually happen and end the current madness that we are going through?

Then again, if Wolverine and the rest of the X-Men were real, we’d have to deal with these guys amongst countless others trying to take over the world

No lie, a couple of them could take over my world any day

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