Movie Review: American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules


It’s Senior year at East Great Falls. Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Stephanie decide to harness their girl power and band together to get what they want their last year of high school.


What did I like?

Continuity. This is the 9th film in the American Pie franchise. From the outside, it doesn’t resemble the other films, other than it is a sex comedy, but if you look closely, there a little Easter eggs that remind you this is in a continuation of the universe. Starting with one of the main characters Stephanie Stifler, a Tall Oaks band camp flag in someone’s room, lacrosse team, etc. The only thing missing was Jim’s dad.

Sara smile. Most of the roles I’ve seen Sara Rue in have her as a sweetheart. This was a bit of a departure for her. She’s still unbelievably likable, but also a complete nympho. No, she isn’t as bad as the quartet of girls that the film centers around, but it is obvious she has a voracious, insatiable sexual appetite. Hell, we meet her in a sex shop giving advice to two of the girls on what product to buy!!!

Let’s talk about sex. A common misconception is that only boys talk about sex. Make no mistake, females are just as dirty as the boys when it comes to the topic. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t have pornstars, right? I don’t think this film went as far as the original films. As a matter of fact, I would have liked it better if they pushed those limits a bit further, but #metoo, I suppose.

What didn’t I like?

Like. Of the four main characters, 1 is lovable, 1 is likable, 1 is deplorable, and the final one is…well, she’s a Stifler. If you’re familiar with this franchise, you know what to expect from her. That doesn’t excuse why the others aren’t immediately endearing. I’m not saying these girls need to be sugar and spice and everything nice, but the viewer doesn’t need to despise them. Aside from the “nice” girls, there is one that hacks her boyfriend’s phone, sneaks into a boy’s room at a party and takes pictures on his bed in his lacrosse uniform. Even with her “redemption” at film’s end, I couldn’t bring myself to care.

Predictable. Once all the characters, conflicts, and plotlines were setup, it is more than obvious what is going to happen. If you’re expecting a surprise, don’t get your hopes up because everything plays out the way you think it will. One can literally tell when things are going to happen, it is so predictable.

Why, just why? I was under the impression that this franchise ended with American Reunion, but I guess the studio wanted to squeeze whatever was left out of this franchise. I have to question the decision, though. No one asked for this and from what I’ve heard and read…well, that pie has gone rancid.

Final verdict:

Final thoughts on American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules? I don’t really have much to say about this. The magic that made this franchise work originally, is either gone or from a bygone era. The filmmakers try to recapture that formula with female protagonists and I commend them for not making a big girl power thing, this thing was dead on arrival. One would be better served finding one of the earlier (superior) films.

2 out of 5 stars