Movie Review: Enola Holmes


When Enola Holmes-Sherlock’s teen sister-discovers her mother missing, she sets off to find her, becoming a super-sleuth in her own right as she outwits her famous brother and unravels a dangerous conspiracy around a mysterious young Lord..


What did I like?

Holmes family tree. Everyone is more than familiar with Sherlock Holmes. Thanks to the TV series Sherlock and the Robert Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes films, we’re a little familiar with Mycroft, but this is the first we’ve heard of Enola. I am not familiar enough with the lore to know if she is in the books or someone that was just created. At any rate, it is nice to see that Sherlock isn’t the only genius member of the family. Maybe one day we can get to know the parents. These smarts had to come from somewhere, right?

Tone. It seems everything associated with Sherlock Holmes has a dark tone to it. Hell, even Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective, which is loosely based on a couple of Holmes’ adventures isn’t exactly a lighthearted romp, like many of their other productions. This film, mostly because the protagonist is only 16, is much lighter. The difference is noticeable and enjoyable. Also of note, how often do we see 19th century Britain in the daytime?!?

What is love? It is becoming more and more of a normal thing to not have a love story in films, but when you have teenagers it is more noticeable. Enola meets a boy, but they don’t spend the whole film chasing after each other. As a matter of fact, they are kind of indifferent. It is implied that there are feelings, but that’s about it until the end, and even then it isn’t like they go skipping off into the sunset holding hands. Now, should there be a sequel or further adventures, I would encourage the writers to throw in a bit of a true love interest for Miss Enola Holmes.

What didn’t I like?

Unsolved mystery. One of the main plot points is the mystery of to where Enola’s mother has disappeared. I won’t spoil anything about that case, but I will say that it is never revealed what she is up to or why she left. Perhaps that is something that they are holding for another time, but it still leaves the viewer with unanswered questions.

Useless boy(s). The initial reviews I read/heard about this film led be to believe that this was a hardcore feminist flick. While there are some moments that show that, mostly how they go out of their way to have her 1-up Sherlock and using the term “useless boy” more often than needed. I get that this was a way to establish Enola and how she’s on the same level as Sherlock and that she doesn’t need a boy in her life, but no need to result to name calling.

Casting. Henry Cavil is the titular character in Netflix’s The Witcher, not to mention he’s Superman. It takes some major working out to look the part for those roles, to be sure. Cavill is also a fairly decent actor. However, does anyone look at him and think Sherlock Holmes? I mean, he it literally about to bust out of his suit when you see him in this flick. I know, this is a small complaint, it was just a slight distraction for me.

Final verdict:

What did I think of Enola Holmes? Well, it was much more entertaining that I imagined it would be. Millie Bobby Brown really surprised me, but that’s probably because she doesn’t say much on Stranger Things. The story is above average and the relationship between the Holmes’, particularly Sherlock is enjoyable. Rumor is this is the start of a franchise. No complaints from me on that. Check this out if you get the chance!

4 out of 5 stars